Local Assistance to People in Need

SVDP provides over $100,000 in assistance for rent, utilities, clothing, medical expenses, car repairs, and more. In the past decade, it is estimated that close to $1 million has been distributed in Dodge County. The SVDP Dodge County Food Pantry distributes thousands of pounds of donated food every year.

98 percent of the money raised from the thrift store and through donations remains locally in Dodge County. Financial assistance is available through local conferences and material/food assistance is available through the SVDP store. Acceptance for receiving assistance is evaluated by the person's or family's need.


SVDP recycles all that it can to help our environment. Metals (aluminum and steel), cardboard, and plastic are all recycled. Clothes that cannot be sold in the store are resold in bulk. Blankets and quilts that are unusable are donated to the Dodge County Humane Society and Beaver Dam area vet clinics.

Metal Recycling

Bulk Clothes Resale