We all need help sometimes. St. Vincent de Paul is here to help no matter a person's religion, race, or nationality. Our assistance may include providing food, clothing, furniture, housewares, rent, utilities, medical expenses, or car repairs. Acceptance for receiving assistance is evaluated by the person's or family's need.

Financial assistance is available through our local Conferences. St. Vincent de Paul Conferences are groups of volunteers based out of neighborhood Catholic Churches. Call the Conference in your neighborhood for assistance. You may be asked to leave a message and one of our volunteers will contact you.

Material/household goods and food assistance is available by contacting the SVdP Thrift Store and Food Pantry.

Dodge County St. Vincent de Paul Conferences

St. Vincent de Paul Conferences are groups of St. Vincent de Paul volunteers based out of local Catholic Churches. If you are in need of financial assistance, please call the Conference in your neighborhood. You may be asked to leave a message and one of our volunteers will contact you.

Sleep Safe & Sound Ministry

Helping our Neighbors in Need— with a bed to sleep on.

Our annual goal is to raise $15,000 for this Ministry.

Join us in providing a basic need for area children and families.

Giving a place to rest, and providing a fresh start to a new day.

Let us do without hesitation whatever

good lies at our hands.Frédéric Ozanam

As Vincentian volunteers we make visits with families in Dodge County, we look for needs beyond the initial request. The greatest of these is in safety and security. The need for a place to live, food in the fridge, and a bed to sleep on is growing in Dodge County. With minimal advertising, Sleep Safe & Sound has provided over $16,000 in mattresses over the past 2 years. In the last year alone SVdP has doubled the amount of mattresses provided to the community. We are looking for sponsors and partners to join us in providing a bed to those in need.

Please see the Sleep Safe & Sound Ministry page for information on how to donate.