Dodge County Food Pantry

Coordinator: Coletta Cody

Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-12pm

Please call ahead for assistance. Pantry telephone number: 920-885-3392

The Food Pantry entrance is at the southwest corner of the Pantry Building located at 125 Dodge Dr, Beaver Dam, WI 53916

Food Pantry Clients may only use the food pantry one time per month.

Looking to donate food items? Click here for a list of accepted items.

Food Pantry Garden

St. Vincent de Paul of Dodge County is so grateful that its volunteers have green thumbs!  The Food Pantry garden is thriving thanks to the many hands who volunteer to care for the garden every week and, of course, the rain and sunshine the Lord has provided.  The garden fresh spinach, lettuce, cucumbers. peppers, small and large tomatoes, cabbage, and melons will be wonderful additions to the Food Pantry offerings.

Do you have a garden at home? Donations of garden or orchard harvests are also accepted and very much appreciated!

Photos: Volunteers Jean Ramer and Coletta Cody planting the Dodge County Food Pantry garden in May.